About Us
what is strangerinabar?
strangerinabar was named to represent the openness and safety a stranger can provide. Professional coaching enters the picture to address the fleeting nature of such encounters by building permanance and stability into helping people make the change they want to see in their lives and themselves.
Have you ever noticed how it is sometimes easier to share the intimate details of our challenges with a stranger? There are no agendas and no repurcussions; just safety and relief. The stranger is not connected to you in any meaningful way and thus cannot affect you in any negative way.
These strangers are our bartenders, hairdressers, and sometimes, even the cashier at the supermarket checkout. Unfortunately, these moments are temporary, and we soon to return to the reality of our lives, and our problems.
However, imagine if your strangerinabar is a professional coach who you decide to work with? That momentary conversation could actually transform your life!